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The Pillow That Got Us Talking

In the world of inventions, more than two-thirds of all patents come from all-male teams or individual male inventors, while just 6% come from individual female inventors. Women inventors account for just under 13% of patent applications globally. When we came across Jesse Mackay’s unique business, we were intrigued by the story behind it and wondered why this invention hadn’t been created sooner.

Jesse is the inventor of the Breast Eez pillows, and she’s here to explain what they’re used for. “BreastEez Pillows was born from my own breast experience journey. In my early 20s, I underwent Breast Augmentation surgery, and as a hairdresser who often stood for long periods, I loved treating myself to a massage. However, I could never find comfort on a massage table. I would end up tensing my back muscles to alleviate the pressure on my squashed breasts, which defeated the purpose of the massage! It wasn’t until I experienced Mastitis while breastfeeding my third child that I realised there had to be a better way. The next morning, I searched online for the perfect pillow but found nothing. That afternoon, I went to a foam offcuts shop and started carving out my prototype. There wasn’t much available to support women laying on their chests. Although rolled-up towels may be offered during a massage, they simply don’t provide the comfort and cushioning of soft foam. Other alternatives with a T-shaped design require separating the breasts on either side of the cushioning section, which I found to be quite painful. Our pillows feature a large centre hollow (40cm Diameter x 18cm height) to accommodate most breast shapes and sizes. The semi-circle at the top of the pillow provides comfortable support for the chin/neck, adapting easily to various situations.”

During the development and launching phase, Jesse encountered a fair bit of laughter regarding her invention. It’s understandable—an unconventional concept can elicit childlike laughter from grown adults as if they were in a schoolyard. However, people started taking her seriously when she discussed the different therapies where women lie on their stomachs and the various stages of a woman’s breast journey, which often involve sore and tender breasts. The Breast Eez pillow has many uses, including for Breast Surgery, Mastectomy, Breastfeeding, and Hormonal changes. “Since the launch, customers from various industries, such as Massage, Acupuncture, Yoga and Floor Pilates, Tattoo Studios, and those seeking relaxation while reading a book, have purchased our pillows. We’ve received fantastic reviews for both the BreastEez Original and the BreastEez Soft Pillows.”

We were curious to know more about Jesse’s clever invention, such as the materials used and whether they are safe for individuals with allergies. The Breast Eez Foam Pillows are made in Australia using the highest-grade foams by a trusted Australian manufacturer. Both foam inserts are treated with the Ultrafresh additive, which is a market-leading additive that prevents dust mites, mildew, and fungus. The BreastEez Original foam also has the Black Butterfly Asthma Foundation seal of approval and GECA Certification, which is the Eco label stamp of approval. Additionally, the BreastEez Original offers advanced comfort and pressure redistribution. It has been clinically tested and proven to maintain its original properties at all levels of density, extending the lifespan of this hard-working, durable foam.

The Medical Grade covers of the pillows have the following specifications:

Anti-microbial and anti-fungal
100% Polyurethane
Waterhead > 3000mm

Jesse quickly clarified that the pillow is not intended for use during pregnancy and should not be used for lying on the stomach while pregnant. She emphasised, “Our products and the information provided are only intended as general information and should not replace the advice of a medical professional. However, based on my own personal breast experience, I heavily relied on my pillow when I suffered from Mastitis while breastfeeding my third child. Our customers have different breast shapes and sizes, and they find breast relief from various breast experiences, whether natural, medical, or cosmetic.”

We believe that Jesse’s pillows will sell out, and many people will find comfort in her invention.

When it comes to inventing, and starting your own business, we asked what advice she would give to other women. She emphasised the importance of research, reading, and asking lots of questions. Jesse encouraged women to have faith in themselves and not give up. “Starting something new in the world can be daunting, terrifying, and exciting all at once. It’s crucial to surround oneself with a fierce cheer squad because most people won’t believe in the vision, and to stay focused because the world needs one’s light.”

If you’re interested in Jesse’s innovative products, you can catch her at the Beauty Expo Australia from August 26th to August 27th, 2023, at the ICC Exhibition Centre in Darling Harbour, Sydney. Alternatively, you can follow her on Instagram or purchase her unique pillows, yoga and fitness bras, and other complementary products through her website. 




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